How to Use Thyme Essential Oil for Hair.!!
Thyme oil is extracted by crushing the leaves and flowers of a plant called Thymus vulgaris. The process begins with steaming them over hot water, which separates out all moisture from inside each leaf or flower piece before passing it through an extractor to get at any healing compounds present in this hardy herb that can withstand exposure to air better than others do!
Thyme is an ancient plant that has been used for centuries to help improve digestion and boost the health of your gut. Thyme tea can reduce bloating, and enhance blood circulation in intestinal areas while removing internal clots - all of this helps with better overall well-being!
Thyme essential oil has been used to help you sleep better and reduce symptoms of apnea. It's also an excellent skin treatment, which will promote healthy hair growth!
How does thyme oil improve hair growth?
The use of thyme oil with a suitable carrier can help those suffering from alopecia. In 2019, researchers conducted an experiment in which they applied thymus extract on bald patches and watched as more than 40% experienced hair growth after just one month!
Hair loss is a very common problem that many people deal with. It can be caused by depression or anxiety, which release stress hormones in our body - these damage hair follicles and make it gradually become duller over time until all you have left are tiny little strands walking around on their own without any life whatsoever!
Thyme oil is a natural remedy that can help with anxiety and promote better circulation in the follicles. When mixed into carrier oils, it offers protection against inflamed pores which would otherwise prevent healthy hair growth!
Order Thyme Oil today!
Read on about the Benefits of Thyme Essential Oil
What does thyme oil do for your hair?
Stress Relief
If you're feeling stressed, it's important to take a deep breath and try your best not to let all that negative energy get into your head. We know how hard this can be sometimes but there are some simple steps we recommend in order to calm yourself down before taking care of business-the first one being using essential oils!
The science is indeed on their side there – studies have shown that essential oils such as thyme can relieve stress and lower blood pressure. This means they could help calm you down, which then stops hair loss!
Thyme is a herb that contains vitamin B, which has been identified as another stress relieving agent.
Alopecia Areata
The 1998 study on essential oils treating alopecia areata demonstrated how thyme oil could help 6.8 million people in the United States alone and is a great reminder that we should always seek medical advice before starting an alternative treatment plan for our health issues.
The study found that when patients were given essential oils to massage into their scalp, they experienced improvement. 19 out 43 individuals who used this treatment versus 6 people in the control group had better scores after seven months!
Instead of giving up on your hair and scalp, use these oils to supplement modern medicine. They will give you a chance at slowing or combating alopecia areata!
Dandruff is a frustrating hair condition that can be connected to dry skin, but it mostly results from other factors. Treating dandruff though remains an essential component in proper care for your head of locks!
If you have dandruff, several essential oils can help including lemongrass and peppermint. Thyme is also beneficial when rinsed into your scalp to reduce the occurrence of flaking or dryness caused by this condition!
Scalp Acne
The most common theme in hair care is that what happens to your scalp can have an impact on how you treat and dress with respect for yourself. A great example would be acne-prone scalps, which often lead patients down a path towards greasy locks instead of healthy ones!
Have you ever had that problem where your pores are clogged and it causes acne on the scalp? That's what this is about. The hair may start falling out, but don't worry because there’s a chance for recovery with treatment!
Research published in 2018 showed that thyme and oregano oil may help reduce the occurrence of acne.
Dry Scalp, Eczema, and Inflammation
Dry scalp can lead to a variety of different problems such as folliculitis, which results in damaged hair follicles and potential for baldness. It's also possible that you will experience dandruff if you're dry or inflamed!
There are many potential causes for those pesky flaky scalp situations, but one possibility is that your skin might be dry. If you have a sensitive or irritated hue suffering from eczema or inflammation then thyme oil can really help to soothe the area and reduce redness in addition to preventing future outbreaks!
Antibacterial Properties
The many benefits of thyme oil are not limited to its antiseptic properties. It can also help rejuvenate hair follicles and prevent scalp problems like bacterial infections that could lead you towards losing your locks!
How to Use Thyme Essential Oil for Hair Care
Thyme essential oil is one of the most powerful and concentrated oils out there. That being said, you should only use a little at first to see how your skin likes it before adding more into whatever blend or formula that includes this ingredient in order not to overdo things!
When using essential oils for hair care, it is important to be mindful of the amount you apply. In general, two small drops measured out in tablespoons should suffice but if your mixture has more than this then just use one at a time instead!
The whole process will go much quicker if you use the former, while those who love old-fashioned hygienic practices should take advantage of this method and really rub thyme into your scalp.
Thyme is known to help with various scalp problems, including alopecia areata. Try:
- Choose a carrier oil such as jojoba oil to apply it.
- Mix up a couple of cups worth of the carrier oil with a few drops (i.e., three to five) each of thyme oil, rosemary essential oil, cedarwood oil, and lavender oil.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp daily for about 10 minutes.
- Leave it on for about an hour.
- Rinse it out with light shampoo.
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